Friday, September 30, 2011

Task C - A Critical Synthesis

Before I embarked on this Master’s Degree at the beginning of the semester, my personal perception of the role of the Teacher Librarian was very narrow- minded.  I am ashamed to admit that I thought that the Teacher Librarian’s role was of one of shelving books; reading to students when they visited the library for their weekly visit; overseeing borrowing and generally wondering around the library.  My perception was based on what I had seen as a relief teacher taking classes to the library over the past 3 years since I obtained my degree.  This was documented in my blog dated 19 July 2011 ‘Reading – My Reflection on Chapter 2 Teacher Librarians and the School Library’. Since completing this subject I am so proud to say that whilst this is what I still see on my rounds as a relief teacher I now know that a Teacher Librarians role is so much more and this is based on the different topics presented each week, readings, forum discussion, podcasts and research.  

Below are some reflections of my views of how the role of a Teacher Librarian has changed:-

Assignment 1 helped me have a greater understanding of a Teacher Librarian’s role especially since my experience was generally nil.  The Teacher Librarian is faced with many, ever changing, roles and requires each teacher librarian to wear many ‘hats’.  This was outlined by both the Purcell (2010) and Herring (2007) readings.  This was the start of my thought process of how wrong I was about the role of the Teacher Librarian.

One area of a Teacher Librarians role which I took a while to grasp was collaborative practice.  This is noted in my blog dated 26 September 2011 ‘Topic 5 – Collaborative Practice’.  As in my blog my understanding of collaborative practice was a Teacher Librarian working collaboratively with teacher’s however through my own experience and discussions with Teacher Librarians this appears to not be a standard practice.  Views were all mixed on the forum about this as it appears there are schools which do collaborative practice well, yet some felt time was a factor.   Ironically during this topic I asked a Teacher Librarian at one of the schools I go to whether they do any collaborative teaching and the answer was that they use to until a change in Principal!!!!!  That poses the question – What can Teacher Librarian’s do about this?  I find that this could be an obstacle of a Teacher Librarians role.

Another area of a Teacher Librarians role which surprised me was as an Information Specialist.  As stated in my blog ‘Topic 2 – The Role of the Teacher Librarian’ in the schools that I relieve in there are IT Specialists employed by the school who handle all the computer issues.  With technology having wider dominance at schools today, Purcell (2010) acknowledged that it is the teacher librarian role as a teacher to teach information and technology literacy skills to both students and teachers. I reflected on this comment and thought that one of the first activities that we had to do was create this blog as stated in my blog ‘I did it!!!’.  (Lamb & Johnson, p. 3) state “the teacher-librarian also facilitates student use of technology in both formal and informal learning situations and is able to weave technology tools and resource throughout the curriculum to address content area standard, while also promoting information and technology fluency”.  This lead into the topic of Information Literacy which if I am to be honest was very limited.  As stated in my blog ‘Topic 4 – Information Literacy’ there appears to be no ‘universal’ definition however many theorists agree that it is a tool which incorporates questioning, defining the type of information which is required and having the ability to locate, select and able to relay the information in some form and to reflect.  During this topic I reflected what it was like when I was at school when it came to completing assignments and how far we have come with technology and the way we teach and learn.

As highlighted above there are many roles to a Teacher Librarian and they certainly differ from my original picture of what a Teacher Librarian was at the commencement of this course.  A Teacher Librarian plays a vital role in every school and that role should not be underestimated.  Whilst there will be many obstacles along the way one thing is for sure a school and their library hopefully do not have librarians who patrol classrooms with a trolley as Arthur Winzenried posted in the Topic 5 forum.


Herring, J. (2007). Teacher librarians and the school library. In S. Ferguson (Ed.) Libraries in the twenty-first century: charting new directions in information (pp. 27-42). Wagga Wagga, NSW: Centre for Information Studies, Charles Sturt University.

Purcell, M. (2010). All librarians do is check out books right? A look at the roles of the school library media specialist. Library Media Connection 29 (3), 30-33. Available via CSU Library’s Academic Search Complete database.

Lamb, A; Johnson, L. Teacher librarian, Dec 2008, Vol. 36 Issue 2, p74-78, 5p; Abstract . Available via CSU Library’s Academic Search Complete database.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Topic 5 - Collaborative Practice

Yet another interesting topic for me.  Collaborative practice.......My idea of that is that the TL works collaboratively with all members of the staff not only for accessing topics which teachers are teaching but maybe even taking lessons - not babysitting in the library.  Well my experience has certainly been mixed.  At a school that I do relief at the TL works 5 days a week - spends 3 days teaching PE and the rest in the library ordering books, overseeing borrowing etc.  I actually asked if they did any collobrative teaching and the answer was that they use to until a change in Principal.  Another school had hit their quota for budget so the TL role was moved back into the classroom fulltime the following year.  At another school the TL works collaboratively with all staff.  The students come into the library where they teach a specific subject inconjunction with the classroom teacher.

So while working collaboratively is a great idea it appears to me at least that the first position to get shoved for a better word is the TL.  It appears that much of the decision making is from the top and if in agreeance it works and if not it doesn't.  So the long winded question is "What can TL's do about it?".  I asked a TL where they think TL's will be in 5 years and their answer was disolved!!!!!  Is this the common thought amongst all TL's?

Collaborative practice is great in theory but appears to be an uphill battle in reality.

Topic 4 - Information Literacy

Whilst there appears to be no "universal" definition of Information Literacy many agree that it is a tool which incorporates questioning; defining the type of information which is required and having the ability to locate this information; being selective of the information, being able to relay that information in some form and to reflect.

Eisenberg (2008) states that "information and technology literacy is clearly the "basic skills set of the 21st century".  With the increase of the internet and the amount of different technology tools that are available such as wiki I often wonder whether I am information literate!!!! 

I believe that if we would like the students of today and tomorrow to be Information Literate then we as teachers need to stay on top of the up to date technologies and have the ability to pass this knowledge down to our students.  We need to teach them what to look for in a website, use key words and be selective on what we use.  Certainly gone are the days when I was at school I would receive an assignment, I would go home and get the old Chambers Encyclopedia and copy slabs of words not really understanding what I was copying yet alone know what plagarism was, add a few pictures, hand it up and get an A+!!!! (showing my age now).

This course has certainly opened my eyes on a number of things which I did not learn whilst completing my BachEd and I only finished 3 years ago!!!!!  I did not realise that there were so many different Information Literacy Models on the market.  Now I have heard of the Information Search Process (ISP) but had not heard of the Big 6 model or the Plus model (sorry James).  Whilst they all appear to have similar items such as: defining and locating I am not sure whether they suit all students and their different learning needs or styles.  As said in previous posts I am not in a classroom on a fulltime basis so unaware of whether schools actually adopt a certain model and therefore all teachers use the same model across all year levels which would mean continuity for students as they up in year levels? or is it up to each teacher to use a model if they see fit? or do some teachers just use part of a model?  It appears that in New South Wales many of the schools use the New South Wales model (NSW DET 2007).  Will that still apply when the National Curriculum comes into effect?   

So many questions................

Topic 3 - The Teacher Librarian and the Curriculum

This is an interesting topic for me but also very confusing.  I am not a TL and I am not a full time classroom teacher (I am a relief teacher who goes into a classroom and delivers the program for the day as is laid out for me with all the resources).  I am a recent graduate who has only had 1 contract which was for 2 terms.  This was at an IB school which bases the curriculum on the students being inquiriers where the students had to list their prior knowledge on a topic, formulate their own questions, evaluate the information and build on this new knowledge.  This is what Edutechwiki (2010 Inquiry Based Learning) states "Inquiry learning is not about memorising facts - it is about formulation questions and finding appropriate resolutions to questions and issues".  So basically the teacher is there guiding whilst the students are finding the information and evaluating.

I had not heard of Project-based Learning until I read this topic.  Boss & Krauss (2007) define PBL as "students investigate open-ended questions and apply their knowledge to produce authentic products.  Projects typically allow for students choice, setting the stage for active learning and teamwork".  To me that sounds very much like Inquiry Based Learning!!!!

See why I am confused.  To make it even more confusing, I have come across TL's who do no curriculum teaching except PE. 

I think if and when I am in a classroom on a full time basis, I will have to make the choice and no doubt that choice could be made for me depending on the school.

The Merry Go Round

Who thinks life is like a merry-go-round??  That is how I am feeling at the moment.  Everything is spinning and I am not sure when or even how to get off!!!  No matter how hard I try to get on top of everything, something happens and throws eveything into disarray.  My mother is not well or should I say very ill and she lives in a different State and time is everything.  So if I am not home, I am on a plane there.  Now the crunch time has come as I need to finish my assignments for 2 subjects before I depart for yet another flight.  In my head I had everything worked out but needless to say nothing has worked out.  I am turning work away as I need to get these assignments finished.  I am tired, my head is hurting but I need to get through it.  Well whinging about it is not going to help, so it is time to type up my blogs and finish these assignments.  Have a great day.

Monday, September 5, 2011

A bit of Everything

Well after a few weeks of not blogging I am back!!!  My computer crashed and I lost the hard drive....That will teach me not to back anything up!!!

I had a stressful time getting assignments done and then the day/night my assignment for 401 was due the kids started the vomiting.....So assignment extension granted and bedclothes etc washed.  Lucky it was a sunny day.

Anyway, back to readings and expanding my knowledge.  I will say that my understanding of what a teacher librarian is or was at the start of this course certainly has changed.  I now realise how important their role is.  I am enjoying this subject even at times it gets on top of me due to family circumstances and work but that is a challenge and sometimes that is what I need.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

My rant for the day!!!!!

Technology is great when it works and when it doesn' sure doesn't.  Writing my assignment for 401 my computer decided it did not want to go on, so it crashed and when I say crashed I mean CRASHED.  I have no assignment, no resources no nothing.  So now all weekend I will be working on not only 401 but 501 thanks to the computer. argh argh argh

Monday, August 8, 2011

What a day!!!!!!

What a day!!!!!!
Today has not been a good technology day.  I could not get access into my blog, then could remember the password or the email password!!!!  Technology while it is great it is also frustrating!!!!!!!!

Now onwards and upwards.  Assignment 1 (401) my heading spinning.  I cannot remember how to critically compare so had to look up how to do that on the uni site (technology that worked...yeah).  I have searched for so many different journals etc that my head is spinning.  I have printed, read, highlighted that I am drowning.  I know I am old school but I still need to have the paper source in front of me. 

I keep jumping from view to view and need to make a firm decision and stick to it.  Guess I am getting so confused and I am also afraid of failure.  This is partly because I have not done a Masters before and also whilst I am a mature student I have only been teaching for 3 years and in that period it has been relief so I feel that I don't have the experience that many of my peers have.

I need to move on and start getting all my thoughts into some form of order and start typing.  Goal - to have this finished by the end of the week......Fingers crossed.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Topic 2 - The Role of the Teacher Librarian

What appeared to be a common factor in all of the readings in this topic were how the TL play a vital role within the school community.  They work closely with all teachers and the Principal however in some instances Principals may under estimate their role.

At one of my schools the TL has wears many hats eg he is the TL as well as the PE teacher and the occassional Science Teacher.  Whilst this school is on a shared campus with another school and therefore shares the library along with the facilities and resources.  Each school has their own TL and is reportable to the school/Principal that they are employed with. 

Whilst reading the allocated readings I found myself reflecting on the schools that I work in as a relief teacher and generally I see the TL as someone who does not teach any formal lessons but are there to help the students find books, locate information on computers and help teachers when required.  When classes are taken to the library the TL has no real contact with the students as students are borrowing books or returning the books and the class teacher is there. 

In many of the readings there appears to be an emphasis on TL's being "Media Specialists".  Whilst I have not noticed this at my schools as at my schools there are IT Specialists employed by the school as well as classroom teacher/s who are very knowledgeable in that field and tend to be the contact for the school.

I think that the role of the TL will change over time, however I believe that unless schools are prepared to change and update their TL role and send the TL's to appropriate media training TL's may in some instances be the "Jack of all Trade".

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Topic 6 - Reading "Conflict Resolution"

This reading was very interesting for me as I do not like conflict resolution.  I am the type of person who generally "takes" it as I do not want to have any conflict.  I was amazed that in the first paragraph is stated that "conflict in itself is not a bad thing".  I am the type of person who backs away; thinks about what may happen for hours; and works myself up.

This reading gave me great suggestions such as conflict does not always have to be negative it can be positive and changes for the better may occur; you must be a good listener and not butt in - it is not all about you and everyone needs to have a say; using "I" statements instead of "you" statements.

If everyone if possible remains calm and collected working together may be easier and by choosing your words, use of body language etc could make a nicer working environment.

Topic 6 - Reading "Effective Time Management for Teachers"

As a relief teacher my daily timetable is generally set out for me and I tend to do my relief at one particular school which is helpful.  So I do not have reports to do, nor do I have to do lesson plans I just have to deliver what is left for me.  I do the marking for the day and I write an end of day report for the teacher.  This is not to say that I did not relate to this article - I did.  I actually reflected on a 6 month contract that I had last year and what poor time managment skills I had as a teacher.  I would arrive at school at 7.45am every morning and leave at 6.00pm every night!!!!  Madness I know but whatever I tried to do it never worked out.  I had a Reception/Year 1 class so like every teacher I had to deal with behaviour issues; students that just started school; different learning abilities and the list goes on.  I would stay back for meetings; marking; preparing for the following day and so on.  I did exactly what the article stated - I took work home with all good intensions to mark it and low and behold I was carting it back to school unmarked!!!! 

I need to be smarter with my time management skills and follow the zones outlined in the article as well the four criterias of: decide what to do; start it; finish it and accept it!

Very interesting reading with some good advice especially for me.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Topic 6 - Reading "The Four Habits of Highly Effective Librarians"

This article was very true and in some areas confronting for me.  The one thing that stood out for me and I certainly agree with and that it is hard to take and for me to accept criticism.  Not sure if it is the way it has been presented to me or whether I need to change my mind set and accept like everyone else would like to think that we are perfect and in fact none of us are.  I have come away from this reading understanding that I need not get defensive when someone is criticising me and to take it as constructive (especially as I am a relative new teacher). Listen and take it on board.

Topic 6 - Management Implications

Wow, after reading these readings it has highlighted to me which if I am to be totally honest I already knew that I am really bad at managing my time!!!!!  Maybe I should clarify this.....I am really good with time management when it interests me or I have a deadline but other than that I feel I am really bad at it.  Take this course for example, I am doing this degree through DE as all of us are probably doing.  Now that means you need to manage your time effectively so that you get through all the required readings and activities let alone complete assignments on time.  Me I am a person that really needs to have face to face that means I need to go to a campus and attend the required tutorials and lectures.  I am currently on school holidays so am trying to get ahead on some of the readings especially since I am doing 2 courses and make an early start with the assignment.  Sounds really great in my head and it works in my head but low and behold I always find a distraction be it the television or the ever distracting FB (why did I join??).  I need to focus as my friend told me when she saw I had been on FB. 

I need to structure my study time more effectively because before I know it assignments will be due and I will be struggling. 

As I do relief teaching I really do not need to be too effective with my time management skills as everything is laid out for me and I just follow the program.  So for the next 10 weeks I need to FOCUS, FOCUS and FOCUS!!!!!!

Reading - My Reflection on Chapter 2 Teacher Librarians and the School Library

This chapter certainly gave me a different aspect of a teacher librarian.  Whilst I only have had my degree for 3 years and in that time I have only been doing relief teaching I have not given much thought to the role of the teacher librarian until I read this chapter.  Whilst I have always enjoyed the library and thought working in a library would be interesting I always was under the impression that the TL just ordered books, shelved the books, took control of borrowing and returning and read books for the library.  How wrong was I!!!!  A Tl is much, much, much more than that as James Herring pointed out in his chapter.  The library is the focal point of a school where much learning happens.  I certainly did not reliase that there were school library mission statements or standards for school libraries.  I certainly have much to learn and hope that through this degree I will gain that extra understanding.

Monday, July 18, 2011

I did it!!!!

I cannot believe I have managed to post on the blog let alone create a blog!!!!!  This was one of my first activities that I had to do as I embark on my Masters of Education (Teacher Librarianship).  My friends laughed at me when I told them I was doing this.....why you ask??  Because they think of libraries as being a place of peace and quite.  No one speaks and you just read!!!!  After completing my readings I certainly know that libraries are far from that.

I am very daunted and scared about doing 2 courses this semester.  I am thinking I might be biting off more than I can chew!!!!

Anyway I need to get the brain going and convince myself that I can do this.  Wish me luck and I hope to share my journey with you.

Topic 1 - Using the Library's Databases

This was a very useful topic.  Having a step by step guide on how to access journals etc through EbscoHost Databases to me was amazing.  Each step was clearly defined and to have the ability to breakdown the search was fabulous.  I wish that when I started University in 2005 my Uni provided us with this step by step guide.  It certainly would have saved hours and hours of plowing through endless journals to find the exact one!!!

I did find Informit searches a little more complicated.  Whether it was the fact I was use to EbscoHost through Uni I am not sure.  I will however endeavour to use Informit during my research for particular journals.

Having the options of folders was a novice concept for me.  I always tended to print off endless of journals in fear of not being able to relocate the journal.  This will eliminate the paperwar and certainly streamline the whole activity.


Just testing my blog page.  Changed providers.